Silvia Tarozzi and Deborah Walker

Krems Minoritenkirche Minoritenkirche

Canti di guerra, di lavoro e d’amore

Program text


Canti di guerra, di lavoro e d’amore – songs about war, work, and love – is the name of Silvia Tarozzi and Deborah Walker’s collaborative project. They are songs already sung at the beginning of the 20th century in their homeland, the Emilia-Romagna region of northern Italy, and some of them have even earlier roots. Polyphonic, compelling songs, most of them originated from rural women farm workers. Tarozzi and Walker sing and perform them on violin and cello. Their instruments intensify the corporeality of the song, once intended to pervade the soundscape of broad fields, and reveal the delicate dramaturgies of this apparently simple and archaic art of song: a touching reconciliation of tradition and modernity.

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